Page 6 - elma
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Elma™ answers many unanswered                              Bed behaviour and motion
questions on residents’ behaviour,                         detection in real-time
especially residents with dementia, i.e.
anxiety, depression and stress. It reveals                 Elma™ provides vital information on how residents
if the resident is sleeping peacefully or                  move when they lie in their bed. In order to minimize
if he/she is in need of extra care and                     disturbance to the residents, the night shift staff can
calming down - no need for routine checks.                 do a digital surveillance of the wards before starting
All this is provided in the form of digital                their routine check and see who is active and avoid
supervision, without the use of camera.                    disturbance to those who are resting (except those
                                                           who need medicine or other assistance ). Elma™
                                                           can also help prevent pressure ulcers by tracking the
                                                           hours without movement and alerting the staff via the
                                                           user interface.

Elma™ UI reveals
residents’ resting statuses
and residents laying still in
bed for too long

       Resident is moving in the bed

       Resident is resting in the bed

       Resident is laying still in the
       bed for too long (respective to
       the settings in the UI)

Elma™ sensor

                                             Cloud Server

                             Elma™ also works
                             as a burglar

                                                            Improves the feeling of safety and
                                                            security especially at home care.

We have a big nursing home with five floors and only one night-carer. With Elma™ technology, we can reduce the
check-up visits during night time for those residents who we normally visit three times a night. We also see when
someone leaves the room or when something is wrong.
- Ria Lehto, Kirkkopiha, Yrjö ja Hanna Kodit, Järvenpää, Finland.

                                                                                                                                      Patented / Pa
                                                                                                                   ©2023 MariCare™

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