MariCare Referencer
Vi er den globale leverandør af gulvsensor systemer. Fokus på udvikling af den nyeste generation af teknologier til ældreområdet for proaktiv pleje og omsorg. Mere end 4000 boliger er i dag installeret med Elsi sensorgulve. Dette tal vokser dag for dag og vi vil udvikle nye systemer og funktioner i tæt samarbejde med vores brugere og kunder.
MariCare referencer
New Zealand, Sanderson Group, Tamahere Country Club Care Centre: 82 rooms + general facilities, Elma® and Elmo® Detection, 2025
New Zealand, St Andrews village, Elsi® Smart Floor 21 rooms, Elma® Detection, 36 rooms/108 sensors, 2025
New Zealand, Hamilton, Tamahere Country Club villas: Elma® Detection, 48 sensors, 2025
The Netherlands, Stichting Alkcare De Oldeburgh (Alkmaar), Elma Smart Detection, 68 rooms, livingrooms and corridors, 2024
The Netherlands, Stichting Paladijn (Almere), Elma Smart Detection, 1 apartment, 2024
The Netherlands, Stichting Alkcare ‘t Rekerheem (Alkmaar). Elma Smart Detection pilot, 4 rooms and corridor, 2023
Finland, Kaunisjärven hyvinvointikeskus, City of Rauma, Elsi® Smart Floor, 58 rooms, 2021-2022
France, Résidence Courbet (Besançon), Elsi® Smart Floor, 8 apartments 2021
Finland, Lastentalo, disabled living (Lahti), Elsi® Smart Floor, 15 rooms, 2020-2021
Australia, TLC Aged Care Mordialloc (Melbourne), Elsi® Smart Floor, 148 rooms 2021
France, Ehpad Cap Fleuri 2 (Cap d'Ail), Elsi® Smart Floor, 76 rooms, 2021
The Netherlands, Stichting Prisma (Biezenmortal) Elsi® Smart Floor, 1 apartment 2020
Sweden, Mejeriet, Vaggeryd, Elsi® Smart Floor, 25 apartments 2020
Norway, Rendalen, Omsorgsboliger Rendalen, Elsi® Smart Floor, 6 apartments 2020
Australia, TLC Aged Care Homestead (Melbourne), Elsi® Smart Floor, 260 rooms 2020
Australia, TLC Aged Care Sunlight (Melbourne), Elsi® Smart Floor, 90 rooms 2020
Denmark, Allerød, Skovvang II, Elsi® Smart Floor, 40 apartments 2020
Australia, St. Catherine’s Hostel (Wangaratta), 72 rooms, Elsi® Smart Floor 2020
Norway Selbu Sykehjem, Elsi® Smart Floor 2 apartments 2020
Norway Solhov Lyngen assisted living, eLsa care home 2 apartments 2020
Norway Storslet Nord Troms Demo room Nord-Troms videregående, Elsi® Smart Floor, 1 apartment 2020
Norway Namsos assisted living, Elsi® Smart Floor, 2 apartments 2020
France, IMA Protect (Nantes), Elsi® Smart Floor, 1 showroom 2020
France, Ehpad Valentina (Saint André de la Roche), Elsi® Smart Floor, 11 rooms 2020
France, Ehpad Bapaume (Bapaume), Elsi® Smart Floor, 66 apartments 2020
The Netherlands, Zorg Inspriratie Centrum (Papendrecht), Showroom 2019
Australia, Hammond Care (Melbourne) 20 rooms 2019
Sweden, Allegarden Munkedal Elsi® Smart Floor 11 apartments 2019
Finland, Jyväskylä Sammonkoti eLea activity sensors for bathrooms, 65 apartments 2019
France, Résidence l'Ecrin de l'Escaut (Proville), Elsi® Smart Floor in rooms and eLea in toilets, 12 apartments 2019
France, Ehpad Chambery (Villenave d'Ornon), Elsi® Smart Floor, 105 apartments 2019
Australia, Brodribb Homes: Elsi® Smart Floor 16 rooms 2019
Australia, Tinonee Gardens: Elsi® Smart Floor 72 rooms 2019
Finland, Sammonkoti Jyväskylä Elsi 65 apartments 2019
France, Ehpad Monceau (Paris), Elsi® Smart Floor, 1 apartment 2019
France, Résidence Villa Armonia (Roubaix), Elsi® Smart Floor and eLea in toilets 2019, 5 apartments 2019
France, Résidence Le Parc du Grand Saule (La Bassée), Elsi® Smart Floor and eLea in toilets, 9 apartments 2019
France, Ehpad Notre Dame de Lourdes (Domalain), Elsi® Smart Floor, 61 rooms 2020
Australia, TLC Clifton Views (Melbourne), 127 rooms 2018
Australia, Samarinda Aged Care Services (Melbourne) 24 rooms 2018
Australia, Horton house, Sydney, 45 rooms 2018
Australia, The Village by Scalabrini, Sydney, 126 rooms, 2018
Australia, TLC Armstrong Creek (Melbourne) 180 rooms 2018
Australia, Hammond Elsi® Smart Floor 21 apartments 2018
China, Shanghai RuiJin Hospital: Elsi® Smart Floor 129 rooms 2019
Australia, TLC Clifton Hill Nursing home: Elsi® Smart Floor 127 rooms 2018
Australia, TLC-Armstrong Creek Nursing home: Elsi® Smart Floor 180 rooms 2018
Australia, Homestead Elsi® Smart Floor 127 apartments 2018
Sweden, Trollhättan Nursing home: Elsi® Smart Floor 45 rooms 2018
Sweden, Karlslundsgården vård- och omsorgsboende: Elsi® Smart Floor 68 rooms 2018
Sweden, Gryta demensrum: Elsi® Smart Floor 36 rooms 2018
France, Bordeaux: Villenave d’Ornon Elsi® Smart Floor 105 rooms 2018
France, Résidence Bois Gentil (Mulhouse), eLea activity sensing, 10 apartments 2018
France, Riedisheim: 4 floors and Elsi® Smart Floor 22 apartments 2018
France, Living lab Allegro CHU, (Angers) 1 living lab, 2018
Denmark, Orestad: eLea 60 apartments 2018
Australia, Brodribb Elsi® Smart Floor 16 apartments 2018
Sweden, Gällivare Elsi® Smart Floor 71 apartments 2018
Finland, Autistikoti (Lahti): Elsi® Smart Floor 6 apartments 2018
Sweden, Palliativa Elsi® Smart Floor 15 apartments 2018
Sweden, Gryta Elsi® Smart Floor 72 apartments 2018
Finland, Kustaankartano D and E: 84 rooms 2018
Sweden, Hallstahammer Elsi® Smart Floor 100 apartments 2018
France, Résidence Jardins de Daphné (Mulhouse) Elsi® Smart Floor, 22 apartments, 2018
France, Ehpad Les coquelicots (Talange), Elsi® Smart Floor 69 rooms, 2018
Australia, Scalabrini Elsi® Smart Floor 126 apartments 2018
Australia, Tinonee Gardens Elsi® Smart Floor 72 apartments 2018
France, Angers : Elsi® Smart Floor, 1 showroom 2018
Australia, Assisi Centre, Melbourne 20 rooms 2017
Denmark, Ryetbo Plejehjem: 55 rooms 2017
Sweden, Vallonen Elsi® Smart Floor 30 apartments 2017
Australia, Benetas Elsi® Smart Floor 80 apartments 2016
Australia, Benetas St Pauls’s Terrace (Melbourne) 80 rooms 2016
Denmark, Siflab 2016
Denmark, Ryetbo Elsi® Smart Floor 58 apartments 2016
Denmark, Hilleröd 2 (Hulte) Elsi® Smart Floor 30 apartments 2016
Denmark, Trongården Elsi® Smart Floor 2 apartments 2016
Australia, Horton House Gordon (Sydney): 45 apartments 2015-2016
Finland, Eura assisted living Elsi® Smart Floor 15 apartments 2015
Finland, Care Home Osmanrinne Eura Elsi® Smart Floor 17 apartments 2015
Denmark, Living Lab center (Copenhagen): 2015
Denmark, Living Lab center (Sønderborg): 2015
Denmark, Frydenholm Plejecenter (Rudersdal): 59 apartments 2015
Finland, Eura assisted living (Eura): 15 apartments 2015
Australia, Assisi assisted living (Melbourne): 20 apartments 2015
Denmark, Vonsild Have Plejecenter (Kolding): 60 Apartments 2014-2015
Finland, Nikkarinkruunun palvelutalo (Kerava): 42 Apartments 2014-2015
Denmark, Fælleshåb (Middelfart): 2014-2015
France, EHPAD à GANNAT (GANNAT): Elsi® Smart Floor, 15 apartments 2014
Denmark, Grindsted Billund Elsi® Smart Floor 8 apartments 2014
Denmark, Hyldgaarden (Holstebro): Elsi® Smart Floor 16 apartments 2014
Sweden, Hälleborg Äldreboende (Västerås); Elsi® Smart Floor 120 apartment 2014
Norway, Bjønnes Bo og Aktivitetssenter (Nøtterøy), Elsi® Smart Floor 16 Apartments 2014
Denmark, Lundbyescenteret (Ålborg): Elsi® Smart Floor 64 Apartments 2013-2014
Denmark, Ansager Fremtidens Plejecenter (Varde): Elsi® Smart Floor 25 Apartments 2013
Finland, Nurmijärven palvelukeskus (Nurmijärvi): Elsi® Smart Floor 36 rooms 2013
Finland, Nastolan palvelukeskus (Nastola): Elsi® Smart Floor 32 rooms 2013
Denmark, Bertram Knudsens Have Plejecenter (Kolding): Elsi® Smart Floor 90 Apartments 2013
Denmark, Tirstrup Plejecenter (Varde): Elsi® Smart Floor 24 Apartments 2013
Finland, Wiitalinna (Viitasaari): Elsi® Smart Floor 54 apartments 2013
Finland, Runosmaki (Turku): Elsi® Smart Floor 32 apartments 2013
Norway, Holmen Eldre Senter (Fredrikstad): 1 Demo/Test apartment 2013
Denmark, Fremtidens Plejehjem (Ålborg): Elsi® Smart Floor 75 Apartments 2013
Denmark, Marienlyst Plejecenter (Skive): Elsi® Smart Floor 24 Apartments 2013
Finland, Palomäki (Porvoo): Elsi® Smart Floor 8 Apartments 2013
Denmark, Skovhuset Plejecenter (Hillerød): Elsi® Smart Floor 104 Apartments 2013
Finland, Viherkoti (Espoo): Elsi® Smart Floor 58 Apartments 2013
Finland, Harjula (Lahti): Elsi® Smart Floor 6 rooms 2012
Finland, Helmiina (Viitasaari): Elsi® Smart Floor 40 rooms 2012
Finland, Kauklahti (Espoo): Elsi® Smart Floor 62 rooms 2012
France, Ehpad Les Bruyères (Epinal), Elsi® Smart Floor, 12 rooms 2012
Finland, Juurakkokatu (Lappeenranta): Elsi® Smart Floor 13 rooms 2009 & 2011
Finland, Lettulan palvelutalo (Orimattila): Elsi® Smart Floor 46 rooms 2011
Finland, Hollolan vanhainkoti (Hollola): Elsi® Smart Floor 24 rooms 2011
Finland, MedOne Paulakoti (Joensuu): Elsi® Smart Floor 60 rooms 2011
Finland, Kellokallio (Hamina): Elsi® Smart Floor 29 rooms 2011
Finland, Kaunisjärvi (Rauma): Elsi® Smart Floor 45 rooms 2011
Finland, MedOne Paulakoti (Kuopio): Elsi® Smart Floor 60 rooms 2010
Finland, Jussoila (Rauma): Elsi® Smart Floor 51 rooms / apartments + 10 public spaces 2010
Finland, Ilolansalo (Salo): Elsi® Smart Floor 16 rooms 2010
Finland, Simonkoti (Vantaa): Elsi® Smart Floor 22 rooms 2010
Finland, Ortamonpuisto (Lappeenranta): Elsi® Smart Floor 11 rooms 2010
Finland, Sammonkoti (Jyväskylä): Elsi® Smart Floor 65 rooms / apartments 2009
Finland, MedOne Paulakoti (Kempele): Elsi® Smart Floor 30 rooms 2009
Finland, Kustaankartano (Helsinki): Elsi® Smart Floor 50 rooms 2008