Elsi Technologies er inviteret til konferencen om (Fremtidens
Plejehjem) Aalborg Kongres –og Kulturcenter den 5. April af Aalborg Kommune,
hvor Elsi Technologies vil udstille og demonstrerer sit ELSI™
Tryghedsgulvsensor system, hvor alle for mulighed for teste funktionerne som
bl.a "Faldealarm - Toiletalarm - Sengealarm - Døralarm" m.v, og se
hvordan grundsystemet anvendes med henblik på "besparelser -tryghed -
sikkerhed" m.v inden for pleje- og omsorgssektoren.


Elsi Technologies is pleased to announce that it has won the Kauklahti elderly care home project in Espoo, comprising 62 apartments with its innovative ELSI Safety Floor care home monitoring system.

Elsi Technologies will be
exhibiting at TERVE-SOS in Espoo on 18th to 19th May 2011. Come and visit us at
stand 3.2, where you can see our Elsi® Smart Floor for efficient and convenient
living for the elderly and as a tool for preventive nursing. Come, fall and see
it in your own eyes!

Following a long testing period for the ELSI and MILS security guidance system, the two week official tests run by the airport have shown an average improvement in passenger flow through the security control of more than 15% verses a similar gate without our system.

The gate system, which was first shown in the InterAirport exhibition earlier this year, is based around ELSI monitoring laminates and MILS guiding LED stripes and panels and is easy to retrofit in existing security gates. Connection to the detector gate is simple, and the system can be installed in a few hours.


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