Originally published: https://en.welfaretech.dk/updates/2018/august/17-innovative-finnish-health-tech-companies-are-visiting-odense

Regardless of Finland’s small population of 5.5 million inhabitants, Finland is a high-tech country characterised by innovation. Currently, Finland experiences an explosive growth in export in the field of health tech. The 4th-6th of September 2018, 17 Finnish health tech companies will visit Denmark, which brings the opportunity for Danish companies to connect at a network event in Odense the 5th of September.

17 Finnish health tech companies will visit Denmark in the beginning of September 2018 with the purpose to strengthen and expand the existing cooperation between Denmark and Finland. During the visit, the Finnish companies will present their innovative- and intelligent healthcare technologies for the Danish healthcare- and hospital sector. Anne-Mari Virolainen, the Finnish Minister of Trade, will be in charge of the delegation during their visit to Denmark.

- Within welfare, Denmark is a frontrunner and does massive investment in new hospitals and rethinks the healthcare sector. Further, both Finland and Denmark are world leaders in healthcare systems and they are top ranked in proportion to innovation on a worldwide scale, Anne-Mari Virolainen states in a press release.

The network event takes place in Odense on September 5th 2018 and gives you the opportunity to be introduced to the delegation’s participants of whose profiles might be relevant for you. You can meet Finnish innovation companies, match with potential collaborators, and collect knowledge about the Finnish market and its export possibilities.

- The Finnish delegation visit is relevant for companies – and Welfare Tech’s members – who are looking for international collaborators as well as for municipalities and regions who are in search of inspiration for new solutions, Christian Graversen, CEO at Welfare Tech, states and continues:

- As Denmark, Finland prioritises healthcare- and welfare technology, which of Denmark can learn from the Finnish expertise on how to develop further and use welfare technology. Additionally, collaborations are a great strategy to create export possibilities to Finland and the rest of the world. Worldwide, our members are among the best in class to develop and use welfare technology, which is a position that continually has to be strengthen and developed, based on sharing of knowledge with others who are skilled too, Christian Graversen ends.

Several of the participating companies from the Finnish delegation are already present on the Danish market. Including are Welfare Tech members: Systematic (via Medixine), Maricare og New Icon too.

Watch the video: Why are foreign companies showing interest in Finland? The video is produced by Business Finland.

Update: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6443787138147373056/

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