Elsi Technologies took part into Terveysteknologia 2014 exhibition in Helsinki, Finland.

For everyone to see and try we had there on our stand, of course the Elsi floor, and also our new product, the eLea sensor.  Many came to try the devices to see how they work and find out the versatility of them.

As the highlight of the day, we had rap granny Eila giving us a rap music show on our stand each day.

According to Statistics Finland's statistics on causes of death, a total of 1,156 persons died as a result of accidental stumbles and falls in 2012, 609 men and 547 women. The cases have increased in absolute numbers by 40 per cent in the past twenty years. In addition, stumbling or falling was a contributing factor in over 800 deaths. Three-quarters of stumbles resulting in death occurred to persons aged over 70.

Elsi Technologies A/S har afsæt i den finske koncern MariGroup, der udvikler og producerer ny teknologi på nye spændende områder. Virksomheden har særligt fokus på teknologier til boligen, både institutioner og private hjem, og ntroducerede tilbage i 2011 et tryghedssensorgulv i Danmark. I dag er sensorgulvet, Elsi® Smart Floor, taget i brug i en række danske kommuner, bl.a. Hillerød, Kolding, Varde, Århus, Skive og Ålborg Kommune. Senest i række er Billund Kommune, der implementerer løsningen i 2014.

News in Norway  (NRK1) made a report on Elsi floor in Demo apartment in Kristiansand municipality. In the news Kjetil Løyning was interviewed on wellfare technologies including Elsi® Smart Floor. Elsi® Smart Floor was installed and delivered by Elsi Technologies' Norwegian partner Smartec AS.

Link to the news

Elsi Technologies Oy toivottaa asiakkailleen ja yhteistyökumppaneilleen hyvää joulua ja onnellista uutta vuotta!

Elsi Technologies Ltd wishes all our Customers and Partners Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Hillerød, which is the
largest project Elsi Technologies have done so far, bring news around ELSI in
connection with the opening day of the new elderly care home. Read more from here.

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