MariCare uutiset
MariCare Oy receive it's first order from Australia. MariCare Oy shall deliver it's Elsi® Smart Floor to the Australian company HLS Healthcare for 45 new apartments in Sydney.
We are proud to introduce MariCare as the new brand name for the successful company Elsi Technologies used in the health business. MariCare is best known for the smart floor innovation, but it also provides a number of security products. New name MariCare emphasises better the difference between the company name and the unique product like Elsi® Smart Floor and eLea fall detector. MariCare has created remarcable innovations, enabling thousands of elderly people to live in a safe, homelike environment with the safety products around them. The MariCare product range makes it possible for elderly citizens to live as long as possible in a very homey and secure surrounding. MariCare, similarly as the former company Elsi Technologies, is part of MariElectronics Group. MariCare HQ locates in Finland at the greater Helsinki area in Vantaa and the new MariCare office in Denmark is located in Middelfart. The companies belong to MariGroup company with a solid and stable financial background.
Elsi Care Solution on valittu asennettavaksi Euran terveyskeskuksen osastoihin Pihlaja ja Vaahtera. Toimitukset tapahtuvat kesän 2015 aikana.
Elsi Care Solution has been selected to Eura health center Pihlaja and Vaahtera. Installation will be during spring 2015.
Elsi Care Solution asennetaan Niuvanniemen sairaalan rakennus 5 remontoinnin yhteydessä 11 potilashuoneeseen. Asennukset tehdään kesän 2015 aikana.
Elsi Care Solution has been selected to Nuivanniemi hospital bulding number 5 in 11 patient rooms during the upcoming renovation. Installation will be during summer 2015.
7-9.1.2015 Elsi Technologies Oy osallistui Terveysteknologia 2015 messuille Elsi- ja eLea-tuotteilla
Elsi Technologies Oy osallistui Terveysteknologia 2015 messuille Elsi- ja eLea-tuotteillaan. Messuilla tapasivat terveydenhuoltoalan vaikuttajat ja päättäjät. Kävijämäärä oli 3841 messuvierasta.
Elsi Technologies Oy attended with Elsi® Smart Floor and eLea fall detector to Terveysteknologia & e-Health 2015 Expo in Finland, Helsinki. At the professional event there were senior decision makers from the Finland’s health technology industry and the three day event gathered 3841 visitors.
Nøtterøy Kommune, Dersom en pasient faller på rommet, vil personellet bli varslet og kan raskt komme til for å undersøke pasienten, forteller Reidar Thoresen, institusjonsleder ved Bjønnesåsen bo- og behandlingssenter på LFH Velferdsteknologi Magazine på side 9.
The Norwegian municipality, If a patient falls in the room, the personnel will be notified and can quickly get to the in order to examine the patient, "says Reidar Thoresen, institutional Director at Bjønnesåsen Elderly Care Center.