MariElectronic enters the market with two novel ideas for the marine industry.
MILS® evacuation and emergency lighting guides passengers to the safest exit, while Elsi sensor floor improves passenger flow in elevators, helps evacuation, and if requested, can be activated in cabins as a fall and movement detector.
Proud to present - MariCare Oy in co-operation with Eurocom Group in Open Care Connect where platforms, systems, devices and organisations interlink and work intensively together.
12-14 of June - Salon Autonomic - event in Paris.
Elsi® Smart Floor by MariCare Oy is a great innovation for elderly care and saves greatly caregivers valuable nursing time. Come and meet Gerflor G-ACTIV.
6-8 of June IHF - Ingénieurs Hospitaliers de France in Lyon. How to take care of the increasing elderly without raising the amount of resources. The Gerflor G-ACTIV have a great MariCare Oy Elsi® Smart Floor Solution to support the caregivers. Come and visit the event!
Welldana Innocare præsenterer eLea, en sensorteknologi, der skaber overblik og tryghed
Er det muligt - ved tidlig teknologiindsats – at ”lære” borgere i det tidlige stadie af demenssygdommen, at være omgivet af - og blive bekendt med - teknologi og moderne hjælpemidler?
MariCare Oy – manufacturer of smart detection solutions – has strengthened its Sales Team with a new Sales Manager who will be focusing on enhancing the current customer relations and building connections with new customers and resellers.