MVTe welfare technology expo in Stockholm started very well. Elderly care is an important topic in Sweden. Most seniors live in their own homes, but the country is preparing for the future where one of every four citizens will be over +65. MariCare elderly care solutions provide benefits for the resident, staff and management. Come and hear more at NKontakt booth C30 from Jörgen Grevesmühl.

The Economist interviewed MariCare Oy's Mervi Peltonen and wrote that the biggest gain from technology may be that it makes it easier to keep old people fit enough to remain in their own homes for longer. This is much
cheaper than an institution, and usually nicer, too.

Elderly care technology friendly Jaana Pilvinen from Kustaankartano Helsingin kaupunki – Helsingfors stad – City of Helsinki had great things to say about MariCare Oy Elsi® Smart Floor. Listen to Forum Virium Helsinki video.

Danish partner TermoVision Peter Nielsen visited MariCare Oy. Energetic days involved an impressive visit to Kustaankartano Helsingin kaupunki – Helsingfors stad – City of Helsinki elderly care center, where Elsi® Smart Floor is important work force and takes good care of the residents with the professional personnel.

27-29 of October Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) in Adeleide. The largest age services event in the southern hemisphere. Leading key business event, where decision-makers meet the latest ageing futures innovation. MariCare Oy Australian partner HLS Healthcare Nick Stehr and Jason Swaffield present at # 123-124.

Direct Healthcare Solutions Ltd provides innovative solutions to UK customers who want to offer the best for elderly care. Elsi® Smart Floor by MariCare Oy can detect resident's activities remotely, without involving cameras. Read more about the Managing Director's James Puttick interview at the high level The Parliamentary Review.

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