Alkcare Foundation has become the first elderly care organization in the Netherlands to implement MariCare Elma® Detection sensor solution. The project was realized with the help of MariCare authorised partner New Caresolutions and it includes 178 Elma® sensors in 68 rooms. Elma® Detection is monitoring movement in real-time at Alkcare's De Oldeburgh location in Alkmaar after a successful test at 't Rekerheem care home. Alkcare operates two care locations, De Oldeburgh and 't Rekerheem, along with diverse home care services.

Mark Prinsen, the location manager, highlights the system’s role in enhancing resident well-being and coping with growing care demands. Elma® Detection enables better and more efficient, discreet elderly care. The solution brings safety by minimizing falls, injuries and reduces unnecessary nurse visits, giving the care home residents the precious liberty of retaining independent lives. The collected movement data also reveals changes in resident's behaviour that would otherwise be left unidentified.

Alkcare is now exploring the use of MariCare technology for home care services to ensure client safety and care quality.

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Photo credits: Alkcare Foundation and New Caresolutions

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