29-31 of January in Lille, France. A perfect opportunity to discuss - Organisational and technological innovation serving seniors.
Gerflor G-ACTIV Philippe METZENTHIN will be present to introduce Elsi® Smart Floor and eLea Activity Sensing solutions by MariCare Oy.
22-23 of January in Kista Mötesplats Välfärdsteknologi och E-hälsa conference is introducing new technology for municipal healthcare and social services. Meet N-Kontakt's Jörgen Grevesmühl at the event to hear more about the solutions for Elderly Care Nursing Homes.
17th of January in Åarhus, Denmark. Welldana INNOCARE Maja Gro Lilsig will be presenting valuable solution for Elderly Care. The benefits of - eLea activity sensing - by MariCare Oy.
MariCare Oy Elsi® Smart Floor gives care provides unseen advantages of residents activity. Elderly Care solution was presented today by James Puttick at The Care Industry Forum in Warwickshire in the UK.
A/S in Denmark has moved to a new office from Middelfart to Syddanske Forskerparker in Odense. The science park is a hub of health, innovation and networking. A perfect place to meet.
Wednesday the 5th of December, Slush event at Messukeskus Helsinki, Expo and Convention Centre by Business Finland, THL, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. Elderly Care solutions expert MariCare Oy will be present. See you!