Selected References
The Alkcare Foundation, an elderly care organization in Alkmaar, was the first in The Netherlands to implement Elma® Detection sensor solution in 2024 at the De Oldeburgh location.
Executive management and product specialists from HLS Healthcare worked with the Twilight Aged Care team to design, commission and implement Horton House in Gordon; a wonderful homelike environment in a modern aged care setting.
The Mansikkapaikka assisted living homes for 45 elderly people with Alzheimer's disease were established in Rauma in 2011. The homes use welfare technology to support care work, which allows the homes to provide individual care and safety for all residents.
The City of Helsinki's Kustaankartano Service Centre provides round-the-clock care for 45 residents. Kustaankartano is a pioneer in care technology and has been promoted in media, and the centre has even been featured in a documentary.
Nurmilintu is a homelike assisted living centre in Nurmijärvi in Southern Finland which boasts brightly coloured communal areas and a peaceful indoor garden. The aim was to move the unit, established in 2013, away from emergency alarms and to embrace new technologies there. The Elsi® Smart Floor offered whole new possibilities for monitoring residents' activity levels and falls. This meant that the staff could offer the 40 people with Alzheimer's living in the two-floor centre better and more efficient care. MariCare's Elsi® Smart Floor innovation was easy to adopt, which means that staff were quickly able to adjust to using it efficiently. This provided more flexibility for activities and improved resident safety.
The City of Espoo’s Viherlaakso Alzheimer's support centre offers assisted living for people with Alzheimer's as well as providing services to take home. There are 63 residents in the unit, and it is important to monitor their movements to ensure safety. Service Supervisor Heidi Leppänen tells that the most up-to-date care technologies used in Viherlaakso are introduced in recruitment. The smart technology promotes staff and resident safety, because the employees are always aware of the level of activity in each room. In the advanced stages of the disease, people's ability to communicate reduces and the requirement for assistance increases. The Elsi® Smart Floor is much more than a request for a nurse. It can act as a voice for our clients, she encapsulates.
Kauklahti's Life and Living Centre for Senior Citizens provides a home, over the building's three floors, for 74 residents, most of whom live with Alzheimer's disease. The City of Espoo’s long-term care home, built in 2012, also provides services for the elderly living at home, such as day-time recreation and various musical and art-based activities.
Through a unique partnership with HLS Healthcare, Hansen Yuncken & Scalabrini Aged Care Village – a residential aged care community located in New South Wales is setting a new standard when it comes to the use of technology in aged care settings.
KNX home automation system coupled with the Elsi® Smart Floor fall sensor system with Jeedom supervision; alert and real-time feedback to Santely’s personnel.
KNX home automation system coupled with the Elsi® Smart Floor fall sensor system with Jeedom supervision; alert and real-time feedback to Santely’s personnel.
KNX home automation system coupled with the Elsi® Smart Floor fall sensor system with Jeedom supervision; alert and real-time feedback to Santely’s personnel.
Study and integration of the Elsi® Smart Floor. Forwarding alerts to the CRMS patient call system, which alerts nursing staff in real time.
Retirement home “Forsgläntan” in Gällivare municipality, Sweden has 72 apartments with Elsi® Smart Floor and eLsa™ Activity Sensing technology installed in all apartments.
Retirement home “Karlslundsgården” in Örebro municipality, Sweden has 68 apartments with Elsi® Smart Floor and eLsa™ Activity Sensing technology installed in all apartments.
Region Västmanland has chosen Elsi® Smart Floor and eLsa™ Activity Sensing technology for its new care unit in Västerås, a total of 15 beds.
Elsi Sensor floor, the technology that makes life easier on Bjønnesåsen Nursing home in Nøtterøy, who have the Elsi® Smart Floor in 16 rooms.
The Nursing home (Hälleborg Äldreboende) in the city of Västerås, Sweden is MariCare´s largest reference with number of apartments. The Elsi® Smart Floor, and eLea Activity Sensing is installed in all the 120 new apartments.
The elderly care home "Plejecenter Bertram Knudsensvej" in the city of Kolding Denmark with 90 large apartments, was one of the first orders for the Elsi® Smart Floor in Denmark.
The elderly care home "Plejecenter Skovhuset" in the city of Hillerød Denmark, is MariCares largest elderly care home project. The elderly care home has 104 large apartments, all of which are installed with the Elsi® Smart Floor.
The Future Care Home "Fremtidens Plejehjem" in the city of Ålborg, Denmark, has been built for the future with the latest and newest welfare technologies, where Elsi® Smart Floor is one of these technologies and is installed in 75 apartments.